February 2021
I’m trying not to send out too many newsletters. But I really want to share a few things with you.
Not everyone celebrates Valentine’s Day (we certainly didn’t when I was a teenager in Germany). And not everyone likes chocolate (me… and I know I’m in the minority), but as a Valentine’s surprise, the Kindle version of TURN BACK TIME will be FREE on February 12-14. I will post links on Facebook on those days, so if you haven’t had a chance to grab the book, that’s a “Sale” you don’t want to miss.
IN DUE TIME will release on March 23, 2021, and the e-Book is now available for pre-order.
Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t let me set up pre-order for the paperback.
And lastly, did you know about MORE THAN ONE STORY, my new Facebook group?
Starting this month, I will have bi-weekly book group discussions there. Of course, we’ll start with TURN BACK TIME, but I also encourage members to share reviews or thoughts about other books they’ve read. If you haven’t joined yet, go check it out!
I hope you’re all safe, healthy, and the weather isn’t too bad where you live.
Thank you so much, Nanette.
Really nice post, Annette. Very easy to read and follow and I love the graphics. You're such a pro! :)